Installation guide

You can install netZooPy through pip or through conda. Below, you will find all the steps and requirements for both cases.

PIP installation


  • Python 3

In addition to the following pip packages:

  • networkx

  • numpy

  • pandas

  • matplotlib

  • scipy

  • python-igraph


  • git clone

  • cd netZooPy

  • pip3 install -e .

  • Then you can import netZooPy in your code through import netZooPy


  • To report any installation issue or function bug, please report through opening an issue on github.

Conda installation

On you will find the conda recipes for all platforms. We recommend using conda environments to keep your analyses self-contained and reproducible.

To install netzoopy through conda:

conda install -c netzoo -c conda-forge netzoopy