Source code for netZooPy.lioness.run_lioness

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import getopt
from netZooPy.lioness.lioness import Lioness
from netZooPy.panda.panda import Panda

[docs] def main(argv): """ Description: Run LIONESS algorithm from the command line. Usage: -h, --help: help -e, --expression: expression matrix (.npy) -m, --motif: motif matrix, normalized (.npy) -p, --ppi: ppi matrix, normalized (.npy) -g, --comp: use cpu (default) or gpu -r, --pre: number of digits to calcluate -c, --ncores: number cores -n, --npy: PANDA network (.npy) -o, --out: output folder -f, --format: output format (txt, npy, or mat) start: to start from nth sample (optional) end: to end at nth sample (optional, must with start) Example: python3 -e ../../tests/ToyData/ToyExpressionData.txt -m ../../tests/ToyData/ToyMotifData.txt -p ../../tests/ToyData/ToyPPIData.txt -g cpu -r single -c 2 -o /tmp -f npy 1 2 Reference: Kuijjer, Marieke Lydia, et al. "Estimating sample-specific regulatory networks." Iscience 14 (2019): 226-240. """ #Create variables expression_data = None motif = None ppi = None comp = None pre = None ncores = None save_dir = None save_fmt = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'he:m:p:g:r:c:n:o:f:', ['help', 'expression=', 'motif=','ppi=','comp=','pre=','ncores=', 'out=', 'format=']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(str(err)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" print(__doc__) return 2 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): print(__doc__) return 0 elif opt in ('-e', '--expression'): expression_data = arg elif opt in ('-m', '--motif'): motif = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--ppi'): ppi = arg elif opt in ('-g', '--comp'): comp = arg elif opt in ('-r', '--pre'): pre = arg elif opt in ('-c', '--ncores'): ncores = arg elif opt in ('-n'): panda_net = arg elif opt in ('-o', '--out'): save_dir = arg elif opt in ('-f', '--format'): save_fmt = arg else: print('Unknown option', opt) return 1 start, end = 1, None if len(args) == 2: start, end = map(int, args) #Check if required options are given if expression_data is None or motif is None or ppi is None \ or save_dir is None or save_fmt is None: print('Missing argument!') print(__doc__) return 1 else: print('Input data:') print('Expression: ', expression_data) print('Motif matrix: ', motif) print('PPI matrix: ', ppi) print('compute core: ', comp) print('precision: ', pre) print('n cores: ', ncores) print('Output folder:', save_dir) print('Output format:', save_fmt) print('Sample range: ', start, '-', end) # Run panda print('Start LIONESS run ...') obj = Panda(expression_data, motif, ppi, keep_expression_matrix=True,save_memory=False) L = Lioness(obj, computing=comp, precision=pre,ncores=ncores,start=start, end=end, save_dir=save_dir, save_fmt=save_fmt) print('All done!')
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))